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Pray for their paths to be the best for them.
Be careful to not assume that you know what's best for them, guiding or manipulating their paths, even through prayer.
You've been walking your own path this whole time. You only know your path and experience.
You haven't taken a single step on their paths.
Therefore make your prayers and intentions for others entirely open-ended, being careful not to limit or oppress others through your potential misconceptions or unconscious judgement, however well intended.
Make your prayers without friction, without resistance to the person’s unique path, whom you are praying for.
Just leave it open ended and pray for them to receive support and encouragement, as well as divine guidance in all of their endeavors.
Be understanding and supportive, even when their endeavors differ from what you may have imagined for them.
There are so many lessons that build wisdom - wisdom that can only be cultivated through billions of unique experiences.
We all have the divine right to learn and become our own vessels of wisdom.
May we all be blessed to share our wisdom with others at the right moments for all involved and in a manner that's well received.
I’m finally writing about microdosing, mental health and all of the benefits that I have experienced since I began regularly microdosing psilocybin. I built my neural pathways with these microdoses, almost daily, for a period of several years.
My gratitude has been able to increase exponentially as well as my memory, my vocabulary, my mental math skills, and my connection to a greater intelligence - what some call God. My emotions also have increased in clarity, becoming an accurate internal compass for improved guidance.
With each better choice, my life continues to improve!
After I began microdosing psilocybin, the first things to be affected were my mood and cognition.
My mood becomes optimistic within an hour to an hour and a half of taking my 200 mg daily dose of dried psilocybe cubensis mushrooms.
I will do my best to try to describe the neurogenesis that I experienced when these days stacked into weeks, which were stacked into months and years.
I went from being overwhelmed with way too many decisions and too much information all at once to having one decision at a time in front of me a clear, simple choice - this way or that way?
And each time I tended to choose the right way.
Over time, I was finally able to rejoice that my life was consistently improving.
I was constantly reminded of the “cartoon fork in the road,” where one path led to sunshine and rainbows, while the other path led to darkness and destruction. Choices became simplified. The choices came just one at a time…. Finally!
Deep breaths and sighs of relief.
Then, I was able to have the presence of mind to congratulate myself for making each good decision, which, with practice, became very rewarding.
My mind had been overwhelming, prior to microdosing psilocybin, it was ruling my life and it was out of control like screeching feedback when a speaker gets too close to a microphone. It was agonizing for myself and those around me. It felt like I had a thousand decisions to make all at once for so many years.
But that's now in the past - I see my mind as an operating system - a delicate and powerful tool that I hadn’t learned how to operate yet - and I am FINALLY learning how to use it with care and love. This really changed my outlook and my mental health drastically. I became patient with myself as I learned how to operate my brain more consciously.
I did some reprogramming, some omissions, some adjustments, through spoken words and prayers. I found it works really well!
An example: when dealing with something negative, I would say, " please disconnect my nervous system from the trauma of that memory," or "I don't consent." My brain tends to hear these commands and respond accordingly now, under normal circumstances. My prayers become clear and, with God's help, began to finally manifest!
My affirmations and my prayers tell me how it's all working harmoniously together. It took a long time for this to happen; for all these pieces to start working together. My life was quite torturous before it became quite good.
At this point, I'm grateful for even the torturous moments and the torturous experiences, within reason. They've given me compassion and understanding of where to go when you're in a situation like that. I can now describe how to get out of the situation if it's something that I've been through, helping others on their paths.
Aaron Brader
Join our congregation of Members who use psilocybin mushrooms as spiritual sacrament, protected by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993